
基于价值的指挥主体作战指挥行为评估 被引量:4

Evaluation of Commanding Behavior Based on Value
摘要 为了更加有效地对指挥员作战指挥行为进行评估,首先在作战指挥行为概念的基础上,引入了作战指挥行为价值;其次,对作战指挥行为模式进行分类,并利用数据挖掘中的关联规则对作战指挥行为价值的主客体关系进行描述;最后,利用netica和weka仿真软件进行了案例分析;结果表明,基于价值的作战指挥行为评估方法,可以有效地反映指挥员不同作战指挥行为对指挥效能的影响,因而可以更好地判断指挥行为的好坏,改进指挥员的个人指挥行为。 In order to evaluate combat command behavior more effectively, first of all, based on the concept of combat com-mand behavior, the paper introduces the conccpt of vlaue of operational command behavior. Secondly, the classification of combat command behavior is put forward and the paper describes the relationship between subject and object of value of oper-ational command behavior using association rules in data mining. At last a case is analyzed using netica and Weka software. Evaluation methods of operational command behavior based on value can effectively reflect the different operational command behavior affect the efficiency of command, therefore, can better judge behavior is good or bad, improving the personal behav-ior of command commander.
作者 李京 张千宇
出处 《指挥控制与仿真》 2014年第1期25-29,共5页 Command Control & Simulation
关键词 作战指挥 价值 行为 数据挖掘 command and control value behavior data mining
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