
迈向新世纪的海洋地质教育部重点实验室 被引量:3

Forge Ahead the New Century——An Introduction to the Key Lab of Marine Geology, Ministrry of Education, China
摘要 海洋地质教育部重点实验室以海洋及相邻陆区的环境演变与海底资源为研究目标,围绕海洋地质的若干重大前沿课题,突出“地球系统科学”的思想;实现海洋与陆地相结合,古代与现代相结合;依靠国内外的广泛合作和和多学科的交叉渗透,采用高分辨率的测试和数值模拟手段,探索和发展环境演变与海底资源研究中的新思路、新途径和新方法,已经形成鲜明的科学研究特色。南海大洋钻探第184航次在南沙和东沙深水区6个站位钻井17口、取芯5500m,实现了中国海区深海科学钻探零的突破,为南海演变和东亚古气候取得了约3200万年的深海记录。南海大洋钻探是近年来实验室最重要的工作,从建议、论证、设计到主持实施和研究,实验室起了主要作用。实验室拥有包括稳定同位素比质谱仪、扫描电镜带能谱、X射线衍射仪、SUN工作站、图像处理系统和地震数据处理系统等大型仪器12套。 The Laboratory of Marine Geology, Tongji University was designated in 1992 as an 'Open Laboratory' by theNational Commission for Education (now the Ministry of Education, China). Research priority of the laboratory is given to paleoenvironmental evolution of the China seas and surrounding areas, hydrocarbon resources both offshore and onshore, sea level change in the geological history and pal-eotopography, denudation history of the source areas for the sediments in the Chinese marginal seas. The laboratory has been playing a major role in the ODP of China. The ODP-related activities culminated in the spring of 1999, when ODP Leg 184 to the South China Sea was successfully completed . The laboratory has some of the most advanced analytical equipment with computer workstations and seismic modeling laboratory which can be used for research and teaching. Currently, the laboratory houses instruments such as the stable isotope mass spectrometer (MAT252), scanning electron microanalyzer ( XL30W/TMP) , X-ray dif-fratometer (PW100), SGI Origin 2100 seismic data processing system, image processing system, and a seismic acoustic physical modeling system.
出处 《中国基础科学》 2000年第10期34-38,共5页 China Basic Science
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