为了从分子水平研究采自重庆某羊场疑似口疮病毒感染的山羊病变部位的痂块中是否含有口疮病毒,以判断该羊场是否受到羊口疮病毒的感染,试验采用NCBI中公布的山羊口疮病毒的免疫原性基因F1L设计特异性引物,进行PCR鉴定,对所得序列进行测序,并将其与NCBI中公布的序列进行比对。结果表明:通过PCR扩增得到一段大小为708 bp的片段,与预期目的片段一致;其与NCBI中公布的F1L基因的同源性高达98%;采集的4个样品中,有2个样品检测为阳性。说明该羊场确有口疮病毒感染。
To study if there was any ORFV in the scabs of the lesions collected from goats which were suspected to be infected by ORFV in a goat farm of chongqing at the molecular level, and to judge whether the goat farm was infected by the virus. PCR identification was carried out using P1/P2 as the specific primers which were designed according to the ORFV immunodominant envelope antigen -like (F1L) gene pub- lished in the NCB1 database, and then the obtained product was sequenced and compared with the sequences published in the NCBI. The result showed that the obtained 708 bp of DNA fragment was consistent with the expected result. And it shared up to 98 percent homology with the F1L sequence published in the NCBI database. Two of the four samples were positive according to the research. The results indicate that the goat farm is infected by ORFV.
Heilongjiang Animal Science And veterinary Medicine