本文讨论陆用惯性定位系统零速修正卡尔曼滤波器的设计问题。关于这个问题 ,自从 2 0世纪 80年代初期以来 ,已有不少文章发表。本文与文献中的各种方法相比较 ,不仅考虑了陀螺漂移的常值分量 ,而且考虑了斜坡分量 ,因此 ,更能适应于零速修正时间间隔较长的情况。文中 ,首先推导了陆用惯性系统的增广误差状态模型。其次 ,利用三个相邻时刻的零速误差构造了观测向量模型。第三 ,在前述基础上设计了离散的线性卡尔曼滤波器 ;特别地 ,对初始状态向量及其协方差矩阵的估计 ,提出了具体的实施方法。最后 ,给出了在北京郊区实地跑车试验结果的误差曲线。跑车实验所用系统由导航误差 3.7km/h的航空惯性导航系统改装。实践表明 :利用本文的卡尔曼滤波器进行零速修正 。
Design of zerovelocity update Kalman filter for inertial positioning system applied in land vehicle is discussed.There are many references about this issue which have been published since eighty decade early of twenty century.Comparing with the different methods mentioned in the refernces,the new Kalman filter presented in this paper considers not only constant element but also ramp element of gyro random rate,so it is more suitable to be used in the systems with longer interval of zerovelocity update.Firstly,the extend error state model of the land inertial system is derived.Secondly,the observation vector is constituted with zerovelocity errors of three adjacent points.Thirdly,discrete linear Kalman filter is designed based on the state equations and observation vector mentioned above.Especially,specific accomplishment of estimate means of initial states and its covariance matrix is presented.Finally,the resultant curves of vehicle tests in Beijing suburb are given.The applied system in vehicle tests is a refit aviation inertial navigation system with position accuracy of 3.7 km/h.Test results show that the position accuracy of inertial system can be improved by more than 2 orders if using the Kalman filter presented in this paper to put into effect of zerovelocity update.
Journal of Chinese Inertial Technology