区域可持续发展总是在特定的人地系统中实现的.特定的人地系统构成区域可持 续发展的制约机制,其相互作用关系最初是由区域可持续发展过程中人类行为启动的,它通 过被动的适应演变为主动的影响,进而直接作用于区域可持续发展.由于人地系统本身依据 客观规律发展变化而具有一定的缓冲性,因此,遵循并利用人地系统演化的客观规律,既能 使区域可持续发展达到预定目的,又能为人地系统向高层次演替创造新的有利的条件.区域 人地系统与区域可持续发展之间的作用与反作用关系是通过人类活动启动的,并通过共轭演 进实现,其最终结果是二者达到动态平衡.
Regional sustainable development is always progressing in the specific human-land system. Specific human-land system constitute the restricted mechanism of regional sustainable development, their interacting is initiated by the human behaviors of regional sustainable development, and it changes itself from passive adaptation to active influence, then reacts directly to regional sustainable development. As the human-land system itself revolves according to a definite objective principle,it indicates certain characteristics of alleviation. If we conform to and make use of the objective principles in human-land system revolving,we can not only lead the sustainable development to reach an aim that has been planned, but also create a new advanced basis for the human-land system revolving to prior levels. The action and reaction between regional human-land system and sustainable development is operated by human activity, and it is realized through conjugate evolution each other, as a result, both reach a dynamic and relative equilibrium.
Journal of Xiangfan University
Sustainable development
Human-land system