Objective In the field of computer aided design, a new data fitting technique, the progressive iterative approxi- mation (PIA), has been proposed and attracts plenty of attention. By adjusting the control points iteratively, the PIA meth- od provides a straightforward way to generate a sequences of curves/surfaces with better precision for data fitting. The curve ( tensor product surface) has the PIA property as long as the bases are normalized completely positive and the corresponding collocation matrix is non-singular. In order to extend the scope of application of the PIA property, our paper focuses on the triangular surface and the non-totally positive collocation matrix. Furthermore, we assume that it may also possess the PIA property. Method The theory is based on certain conditions, which are essential for a basis to satisfy the PIA property. Given a set of triangular basis functions and its corresponding parametric values, we can obtain the collocation matrix of the triangular basis functions at the parametric values. Then, we get a new matrix, which is the resuh of the identity matrix subtracting the collocation matrix, and calculate the spectrum radius of the new matrix. If the value of the spectrum radius is less than 1, we call the triangular basis functions over a triangle domain having the PIA property. Given a collocation matrix, which is diagonally dominant or generalized diagonally, dominant and the elements of the matrix are positive number, then the real part of the eigenvalue of the collocation matrix is also a positive number. Our work proves that if the real part of the eigenvalue collocation matrix is a positive number, then the corresponding bases on triangular domain possess the PIA property (we call it as generalized PIA property). In the end, we build the relationship between diagonally dominant or generalized diagonally dominant matrix and the bases possess progressive iterative approximation property. Result If the col- location matrix is diagonally dominant or generalized
Journal of Image and Graphics