
一种基于集成成像生成计算全息图的方法 被引量:8

A Method of Computer-Generated Hologram Based on Integral Imaging
摘要 提出了一种基于集成成像生成三维(3D)物体计算全息图的方法。利用微透镜阵列获取微图像阵列,通过像素提取获得正交投影子图像阵列,根据3D中心切片理论,将各正交投影子图像的二维(2D)傅里叶频谱放入相对应的3D傅里叶空间中,提取其相交的部分并叠加,可以获得3D物体在透镜后焦面的频谱信息分布。计算出在一定传播距离处的菲涅耳衍射分布,用全息编码方法生成菲涅耳计算全息图。进行模拟再现,给出在不同再现距离上获得的再现像,验证了该方法的可行性。该方法能够在非相干光照明的情况下采用3D傅里叶频谱制作真实3D物体的全息图,它减小了系统的复杂程度,在算法实现上更加简单。 A method of computer-generated hologram for the three-dimensional (3D) object based on integral imaging is proposed. The method uses the micro-lens array to form an array of the elemental images and gains an array of the orthographic projection images through pixel extraction. According to the principle of the 3D central slice theorem, a series of the two-dimensional (2D) Fourier spectra of orthographic view images are put in the corresponding 3D Fourier space, and the intersections are extracted and superimposed to obtain the distribution of the 3D object's spectra in the later focal plane of the lens. The distribution of Fresnel diffraction on the specific propagation distance is calculated, and the Fresnel computer-generated hologram is obtained by using holographic encoding method. The numerical reconstruction images of the Fresnel holograms at different distances show that the method is feasible. The method can obtain the hologram of real-existing 3D objects using the 3D Fourier spectrum with regular incoherent illumination. It reduces the complexity of the system, and the algorithm is simpler.
出处 《中国激光》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第2期162-166,共5页 Chinese Journal of Lasers
基金 国家863计划(2012AA03A301) 四川省科技支撑计划项目(2013GZ0018 2013GZX0165)
关键词 全息 计算全息图 三维傅里叶频谱 正交投影 holography computer-generated hologram three-dimensional Fourier spectrums orthographic projection
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