
变革社会中的服务型政府建设——任务型组织的途径 被引量:14

On Promoting the Development of Service-oriented Government by Task-oriented Organizations
摘要 20世纪后期以来,随着人类进入了一个变革社会,组织领域中也掀起了一场组织重构运动,使任务型组织成了一种广泛的组织现象。任务型组织有助于推进服务型政府建设及其职能实现。作为一种非控制导向的组织形式,任务型组织在政府中的应用有助于解构政府的控制导向,推动政府及其官员的行为取向从控制向服务的转型。作为一种非等级制的组织形式,任务型组织有助于服务型政府的职能建构,使服务成为政府的基本职能。作为一种高度灵活的组织形式,任务型组织有助于建立一种差异化和多样化的公共服务提供机制,从而促进服务型政府的职能实现。 With human beings entering into a changing society since late 20th century, there has been a reorganizing movement in the world of organizations, making task-oriented organizations (TOO)a common organizational phenomenon. TOOs are helpful to make the government more service-oriented and exercise of its functions. As a kind of non-control-oriented organizations, TOOs can contribute to the deconstruction of the control orientation of government and promote the transformation of both government and its officers'behavior orientation from control to service; as a kind of non-hierarchical organizations, TOOs can help to construct the functions of SOG and make service the basic function of it; as a kind of highly flexible organizations, TOOs are conducive to building a differentiated and diverse mechanism of providing public service and further, it can facilitate the functioning of SOG.
作者 张乾友
出处 《北京行政学院学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第1期43-49,共7页 Journal of Beijing administration institute
基金 国家社会科学基金重大项目(11&ZD070) 教育部人文社会科学研究青年基金项目(13YJC810027) 江苏服务型政府建设研究基地(南京理工大学)开放基金项目
关键词 任务型组织 服务型政府 组织变革 task-oriented organization service-oriented government organizational change
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