对TC1 1钛合金施行了不同的热处理制度 ,得到 3种组织形态 ,研究了不同的组织形态的高温循环蠕变。结果表明 ,晶间 β组织具有低的循环蠕变速率 ,而随最大应力的增加 ,蠕变速率增加快 ;而等轴组织和片状组织循环蠕变速率较高 ,但随应力的增加 ,蠕变速率增加较慢。分析认为 。
The titanium alloy TC11 was performed with defferent heat treatment regimes and three types of microstructures were obtained and the cyclic creeps at high temperature for correspondent microstructure were investigated in this paper.The results showed that the intergranular β structure was respondent to low cyclic creep rate and the latter increased more rapidly than that of the other microstructures with the raise of cyclic maximum stress.The equi-axe and slice microstructures were correspondent to higher cyclic creep rate and their cyclic creep rates increased more slowly than that of the intergranular β microstructure.It was considered that the high temperature cyclic creep being affected by grain boundary sliding is of importance.
Journal of Shenyang Institute of Aeronautical Engineering