东江东莞段水源在暴雨期由于内河排涝会突发性氨氮污染,给该流域内的给水厂供应优质饮用水带来了挑战。以高速给水曝气生物滤池(HUBAF)在东莞某水厂开展了预投硝化菌促生剂对暴雨期突发氨氮污染水源中式研究。结果表明,长期在微污染环境下运行的HUBAF面对突发高氨氮污染原水难以及时发挥其生物净化作用。HUBAF在突发氨氮来临前72 h采取逐级递增预投硝化菌促生剂,并以0.5:1的气水体积比进行24 h连续曝气运行。HUBAF对3 mg/L以下突发氨氮污染能够及时发挥其生物净化作用,实验系统最终出水氨氮值相对于原水的去除率高达90%以上。出水氨氮完全符合GB 5749-2006要求。采取10 d预投1次硝化菌促生剂能较好保持硝化菌的时效性。
Sudden ammonia nitrogen pollution occur in Dongiiang River of Dongguan due to inland drainage during the storm period, which brings a serious challenge to the water plants within this basin for supplying quality drinking water continuously. A pilot scale test was conducted by using high rate up-flow biological aerated filter (HUBAF) for pre-dosing nitrifying bacteria growth promoters in a certain waterworks of Dongguan. Results show that it is difficult for HUBAF, which running for a long-term in micro-polluted environment, to play a role of biological purification timely in the face of sudden ammonia nitrogen pollution of raw water. A gradually increasing pre-dosing nitrifying bacteria growth promoters was taken for HUBAF in 72 hours before the arrival of sudden ammonia pollution, and the gas water ratio of 0.5:1 for 24 hours of continuous aeration process. HUBAF can play a role of the biological purification timely under the 3 mg/L of ammonia sudden pollution, and above 90% removal rate of NH3-N were achieved in the test. The NH3-N in the final water satisfies the requirement of hygienic standard of drinking water (GB 5749- 2006). Dosing nitrifying bacteria growth promoters ten days a time can maintain the timeliness of nitrifying bacteria.
Technology of Water Treatment