从远程教学的特点出发,基于SSH整合框架和jQuery Mobile页面脚本框架技术的移动学习系统是一个行之有效的移动学习应用实践解决方案,也是一套符合远程学习者实际需求的应用系统。系统具有高度的集成性、网络化、智能化和易维护、易扩充特点,更加方便远程教育管理工作。基于SSH和jQuery Mobile的移动学习平台可从目标、架构、功能等方面加以设计。移动学习平台开发指领域模型的建立、用例模型的建立、表示层的实现等。移动学习平台的实现包括代码结构、部署与测试。
Starting with the features of distance learning, the mobile-learning system based on SSH architecture and jQuery mobile page scripting framework provides an effective way for mobile- learning application and practice, which is in line with the demand of distance learners' With characteristics of highly integrated, internet-based, intelligent and easily maintainable and expandab!e, this system is feasible for the management of distance learning. The design of the platform should be undertaken in the objectives, structures and functions, while the development of the platform refers to the establishment of the domain model and the use-case model, and the realization of the presentation layer. The realization of the mobile-learning platform includes the code strncture., arrangement and test.