本文就教育的主体性问题在已有的讨论的基础上提出进一步的思考。全文分三部分。第一部分在对人的主体性的实质做出一个有心理学意味的界定之后 ,又提出人的主体性的普遍性与差异性 ,并在其差异性中提出量与质的差异的存在、表现与其意义以及提高人的主体性的心理学条件和途径 ;第二部分则把教育的主体性分为教育培养目标中的主体性与教育过程中的主体性并论证了二者之间的辩证关系。对教育过程中的主体性的核心问题即教育过程中学生的主体性问题 ,从其发生、实现的条件以及其发展的不同水平和阶段性进行了分析说明 ,并提出加强、提高这种主体性的要求与建议 ;
This essay suggests some new ideas on the problem of subjectvily of education which has not yet been clearly resolved in the past. In the first part, it points out a clear definition of the essence of subjectivity of man on the basis of comparing various views and expounds out the concepts of its quantitative and qualitative difference from the various appearence of subjectivity of man. In the second part, it points out two concepts of subjectivity in edacational goal and subjectivity in educational process. And at last joining with the experience of the development of education makes some deep and severe analysis and evaluation.
Journal of Central China Normal University:Humanities and Social Sciences