群落结构与植物多样性研究对于植被恢复和植物多样性保护具有重要意义。以铜陵叶山天然常绿落叶阔叶混交林为研究对象,在其内设置1.8 hm2(150 m×120 m)的大样地,对样地所在的植物群落的结构、物种组成和多样性进行了分析研究。结果表明,该群落有33科、43属、52种植物。乔木层优势树种为麻栎,伴生树种有青冈栎等,落叶阔叶树林木株数、断面积占大样地林木株数和断面积的比例以及重要值之和均大于常绿阔叶树,该群落具备了北亚热带低山常绿落叶阔叶林群落结构特征;乔木层林木直径(大于5 cm)分布呈偏左正态分布,表明该林分具有同龄林直径结构特点。灌木层优势植物种为溲疏,亚优势种有青冈栎等;草本层优势植物种为半岛鳞毛蕨。分层物种丰富度和多样性指数灌木层>乔木层>草本层;均匀度指数灌木层>乔木层>草本层;生态优势度指数草本层>乔木层>灌木层。灌木层有多种乔木层的幼苗和幼树,乔木层和灌木层具有相关性。
It is very important for restoration and plant biodiversity protection to research on community structure and plant diversity. A plot ( 150 m× 120 m) was set up in the natural evergreen-deciduous broadleaf mixed forest in Tongling Yeshan to analyze the community structure, species composition and diversity within the plot, based on the investigation of the plot. The results show that this community contains 52 species which belong to 43 genera of 33 families. The dominant species is Quercus acutissima, followed by Cyclobalanopsis glauca etc. in tree layer. The proportion of the number, the basal area accounting for the sum of tree number and basal area, and the sum of the important value of deciduous broadleaf forest are larger than that of evergreen broadleaf in tree layer. The community has a structural characteristic of north subtropical and lower mountain evergreen-deciduous broadleaf forest. The diameter ( 〉 5 cm) distribution of tree layer show a left skewed distribution, indicating the stand has a characteristic of diameter distribution of ever-aged forest. The dominant species is Deutzia scabra, and the subdominant is Cyclobalanopsis glauca etc. in shrub layer. The dominant species is Cyclobalanopsis glauca in herb layer. The indices for species richness and shannon-wiener are shrub layer〉tree layer〉herb layer. Evenness index is shrub layer〉tree layer〉herb layer. The Simpson ecological dominance index is herb layer〉tree layer〉 shrub layer. The shrub layer contains a variety of seedling and sapling, which is the same as tree layer in tree species. Between the tree layer and shrub layer, there is a correlation in tree species.
Journal of Anhui Agricultural University
evergreen-deciduous broadleaf forest
community structure
species diversity