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2Tom Kalil. Big Data is a Big Deal[EB/OL].[2012-03-29]. http://www.whitehouse.gov/blog/2012/O3/29/big-data-big- deal). 被引量:1
7Xiaolin Zhang. Re - defining Information Supply for the Future R&D Environment. 11 th Interlending and Document Supply Conference, http://www. ilds2009, de/. 被引量:1
8Mike Mcgraph. Document Supply in a ,Rapidly Changing Environment: Here Today - Gone Tomorrow? 11 th Interlending and Document Supply Conference. http ://www. ilds2009, de/. 被引量:1
9Kenji Koyama. Transformation of the ILL Services among Japanese University Libraries in Digital Era. 11 th Interlending and Document Supply Conference. http ://www. ilds2009, de/. 被引量:1
10David . Atkins. Going Global: Examining Issues and Seeking Collaboration for International Interlending. 11 th Interlending and Document Supply Conference. http://www. ilds2009, de/. 被引量:1