用24个随机引物对山羊草属(Aegilops L.)异源多倍体物种及其祖先二倍体物种进行RAPD分析。对扩增出的313条带进行聚类分析发现,含D基因组的多倍体与二倍体祖先Ae.squarrosa(DD)在聚类图上聚为一支;除Ae. juvenalis (DDMMUU)聚到上一支外,含U基因组的多倍体与二倍体祖先Ae. umbellulata(UU)在聚类图上聚为另一支;多倍体与其他二倍体均不聚在一起,表明多倍体分别与Ae. squarrosa(DD)、Ae. umbellulata(UU)具有较近的亲缘关系。这说明多倍体形成之后,D和U基因组变化较小,而其他基因组则发生了较大的变化。
RAPD analysis was performed by applying a set of 24 arbitrary primers to all the allopolyploids and their diploid progenitors in Aegilops L. The analysis based on 313 RAPD fragments revealed that the allopolyploids carrying D genome grouped with Ae. squarrosa (DD) in one cluster. The allopolyploids carrying U genome grouped with Ae.umbellulata (UU) in another cluster except Ae. juvenalis (DDMMUU),which grouped with Ae. squarrosa (DD). The allopolyploids did not cluster with the other diploids. The results indicated that the allopolyploids shared close relationship with Ae. squarrosa (DD) and Ae. umbellulata (UU), respectively. It proved that the D and U genomes altered relatively little from the diploid progenitors after the allopolyploids came into being, but the other genomes changed greatly.