肺癌放疗期间位置的不确定会影响治疗效果。为了有效地控制肺癌放疗中的呼吸运动,催眠作为一种全新的控制方法被引入肺癌治疗中。为了验证所提出的方法,选择6名志愿者在专业催眠师的指导下进行试验。所有实验均在相同的环境条件下重复,且分别记录正常状态和催眠状态下呼吸的幅度。呼吸均值和均方根(RMS)结果表明,催眠状态下的平均值和有效值分别为56.6%和64.4%,低于正常状态。其中,催眠状态下的均值和均方根的呼吸幅度分别为16.2 mm、8.6 mm,而正常状态下时分别为37.4 mm、23.9 mm。此外,稳定峰和相邻波的相似性结果表明,催眠状态下不同周期之间的γ指数通过率为16.4%,高于正常状态。文章实验结果表明,催眠作为一种干预的、可替代的呼吸控制方式,可有效地减少呼吸幅度和增加呼吸周期的稳定性。该方法有望在图像引导放射治疗中得到应用。
The uncertain position of lung tumor during radiotherapy compromises the treatment effect. To control the respiratory motion effectively during the radiotherapy of lung cancer without any side effects, a novel control method was introduced in the lung cancer treatment. In order to verify the suggested method, six volunteers were selected with a wide range of distribution of age, weight, and chest circumference. A set of experiments were conducted for each volunteer, under the guidance of a professional hypnotist. All the experiments were repeated in the same environmental condition. The amplitude of respiration was recorded under the normal state and hypnosis, respectively. The mean value and the root mean-square (RMS) of the breathing amplitude were 16.2 mm and 8.6 mm during the hypnosis state, while they were 37.4 mm and 23.9 mm during the normal state. It can be seen that the mean value and the RMS during the hypnosis state were 56.6% and 64.2%, smaller than those during normal state, respectively. Moreover, the stability of the peaks and the similarity of the adjacent wave were also analyzed. The passing ratio ofγindex between different cycles during the hypnosis state was 16.4%, higher than that during the normal state. Results demonstrate that the hypnosis intervention can be an alternative way for the respiratory control, which can effectively reduce the respiratory amplitude and increase the stability of the respiratory cycle. The proposed method will ifnd applications in the image guided radiotherapy.
Journal of Integration Technology
respiration control