目的探讨健康体检人群甲状腺结节患病危险因素,为甲状腺疾病的防治提供科学依据。方法选择2011年1月1日—12月31日在我院健康管理中心进行甲状腺彩色超声检查并同时完成体重指数、腰臀比、血压、空腹血糖、血脂检测资料完整的21074例健康体检者,采用二分类Logistic回归分析法对11个可疑因素与甲状腺结节的关系进行多因素分析。结果 21074例甲状腺结节总检出率为37.0%。Logistic多因素回归分析显示,甲状腺结节女性患病率显著高于男性,随年龄增长患病率增加,且腰臀比大者患病风险大于腰臀比小者;体重指数以<18.5 kg/m2为参照水平,其他水平与其比较虽然差异无统计学意义,但各水平作为一个整体纳入模型依然是一个危险因素;高密度脂蛋白胆固醇是患甲状腺结节的保护性因素。结论性别、年龄、腰臀比与体重指数是患甲状腺结节的危险因素,高密度脂蛋白胆固醇是患甲状腺结节的保护性因素。普及健康体检利于甲状腺结节的早期诊断。
Objective To explore risk factors of thyroid nodule in health examination participants in order to provide scientific basis for preventing and controlling the thyroid diseases. Methods A total of 21074 health examination participants with complete data from 2011 January 1 to December 31 underwent color uhrasonography for thyroid gland, examinations of body mass index, waist-to-hipratio, blood pressure, blood-fasting sugar and blood fat were analyzed. The multiplicity between 11 risk factors with thyroid nodule was performed with two categories of Logistic regression analysis. Results The total detec- tion rate of thyroid nodule in 21074 participants was 37.0%. Logistic multiple factor regression analysis showed that the detec- tion rate of females was significantly higher than that of males; the rate was increased with the age; the participants with higher waist-to-hipratio had higher risk factor of thyroid nodule than that in participants with lower waist-to-hipratio; less than 18.5 kg/m2body mass index was as the reference standard, the differences between the risk factor of standard compared with those of other levels of body mass indexes showed no statistically signifieances, but each level was still a risk factor when it was brought into model; high density lipoprotein cholesferol was a protective factor of thyroid nodule. Conclusion The risk fac- tors of thyroid nodule are gender, age, waist-to-hipratio and body mass index. The high density lipoprotein is a protective fac- tor. The health examination is valuable in early diagnosis of thyroid nodule disease.
Clinical Misdiagnosis & Mistherapy
Health examination
Thyroid nodule
Risk factor
Regression analysis