

Analysis on Strategy of Advantages Integration Under the Perspective of the International Political
摘要 "集聚优势"是国家经济体实现可持续发展的新型理论模型,目的在于推动经济体获取"极"地位和发挥"场"效应,并形成良性循环的发展模式。在经济全球化的大背景和外部环境中,后发国家以之为基础而形成的战略,既受到国际政治关系和条件尤其是受到国际体系的影响和制约,又在竞争、合作和相互依赖等三方面对国家间关系施加影响。 As a new theory and function of the economy to achieve sustainable development, Advantage Integration aims at promoting the economic formation of the "pole" position and "field" effect, and a virtuous cycle of development model. Basing on the theoretical model, the developing countries' rise strategy and path quite is enlightening not only to enhance the comprehensive national strength, but also showing clear strategic and political characteristics. Meanwhile, in the large background of economic globalization, the strategic practice was influenced by international political relation and international system, and imposed on state relations by competition, cooperation and interdependence.
作者 汪滨 于永达
出处 《社会主义研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第1期137-144,共8页 Socialism Studies
基金 国家博士后科研基金面上项目"大西洋关系中的美国领导力研究"(2012M510394)
关键词 经济全球化 集聚优势 国际体系 Economic Globalization Advantage Integration International System
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