针对目前校园安全行车存在的巨大隐患,基于无线射频和RS485总线传输技术的原理设计了一套校园专用路障检测与管理系统.该系统应用FC-201/SP无线数传模块与W77E58单片机相连,在车辆经过时路障巡检节点发出询问信号,车载射频识别卡被激励并发射应答信号作出反应,同时多个路障控制节点连接RS485总线和管理计算机组成网络,实现车辆的管理和数据传输,达到校园行车实时安全、可控的目的.实验结果表明,节点射频识别装置的有效高度为1.5 m时,系统可靠发射和接收数据的距离为30 m,能够有效减少路障巡检单元间的干扰.
The campus transportation has potential huge salety nazalu, t)a^cu u, ~. e: and RS485 bus transmission technology, a set of campus special roadblock detection and management system was designed. The system was composed of FC-201/SP data wireless transmission module and W77E58 microcontroller. The roadblock inspector unit asked interrogation signal when vehicles pass by. Car radio frequency identification card was excited and emitted response signals to react. At the same time a number of roadblocks control units was connected with the RS485 bus and the terminal computer to achieve the management and data transmission of vehicle. The results show that the distance of the system reliability transmitting and receiving data is 30 meters, which can effectively reduce the interference between the barrier units, if the radio frequency identification device effective height is 1.5 meters.
Journal of North University of China(Natural Science Edition)