从保守力系的拉格朗日方程出发 ,导出一种用于求解保守系统轨道微分方程的变形拉格朗日方程。并将其应用于有心力问题及抛体问题 ,导出了有心力问题的轨道微分方程Binet公式及抛体轨道方程。保守力系的变形拉格朗日方程提供了求解运动物体轨道方程的新方法 ,同时也丰富了分析力学的教学内容。
From the Lagrange equations of motion,we have got another kind of equation related to the Lagrange function.The equation can be used to get the orbit equation easily.With the equation,the paper derived the Binet equation and the orbit equation of the projectile motion as two examples which show us how to use the equation.
Journal of Taian Teachers College