通过测定用作牙科复合树脂中无机填料的粉体的振实密度 ,使用Mathematica和SAS/STAT软件 ,用统计学的方法得到了双组分粉体混合物的粒度分布与堆积体比容之间关系的经验公式。说明可以使用引入了粒度分布宽度作为变量的改良线性堆积模型预测双峰粉体的堆积密度。结论为双组分粉体大小粒径比相差越大 ,混合物堆积密度越高。
The relationship between the packing behavior and particle size distributions of binary mixtures of inorganic fillers used in dental composite resins was studied.Empirical equations on the above relationship were obtained using Mathematica and SAS/STAT software.The modified linear packing model that incorporated the variable of the width of size distributions can be used to predict the packing behavior of binary powder mixtures.As the size ratio of small to large particles increased,the packing density of the mixture also increases.
China Powder Science and Technology