目的对喷射与超声两种雾化器吸入支气管扩张剂的疗效进行比较。方法将喘息型慢性支气管炎或支气管哮喘急性发作病人共69例随机分为A组47例 ,B组22例。A组用喷射雾化器 ,B组用超声雾化器 ,二组病人均予吸入等同的支气管扩张剂(0.5 %全乐宁0.5ml+0.025%爱喘乐2ml+生理盐水2.5ml) ,间隔4小时后再吸入同样药物 ,用药前及第二次用药后10分钟测定呼气峰流量(PEF) ,并记录临床症状及体征。结果A组有效率74.46 %,B组有效率27.27 % ,差异有高度显著性意义(P<0.01)。
Objective To make a comparison between jet nebulization and ultrasonic nebulization in inhaled bronchodilators. Methods 69 patients with asthmatic bronchitis and acute exaxerbation of asthma were randomly divided into two groups, 47 of them were in group A and the other 22 cases were in group B. Bronchodilators(0.5% Ventolin 0.5ml+0.025% Atovent 2ml+0.9% NS2.5ml)were inhaled by all patients with jet nebulizer in group A and with ultrasonic nebulizer in group B. Repeated once after 4 hours. All patients received the treatment of inhaling Oxygen, mucokinetic agents and antibiotics except other bronchodilators. Peak expiratory flow(PEF) was measured and clinical manifestation(symptoms and signs) were recorded before and 10 min after therapy. Results The effective rate of group A was 74.46%(34/47), obviously improved 11 cases and improved 23 cases; Invalid 13 cases. The effective rate of group B was 27.27%(6/22), obviously improved 2 cases and improved 4 cases; Invalid 16 cases. The effective rate of group A was great significant higher than group B(P<0.01). Conclusion Jet nebulizer therapy is better than ultrasonic nebulizer therapy for the patients with respiratory diseases in inhaled brochodilators.