
第三次工业革命与“三个面向”教育思想的新时代内涵 被引量:3

The Third Industrial Revolution and the Reflection on 'Three Orientations'
摘要 1983年,邓小平提出"三个面向"的教育思想,为我国的教育改革与发展指明了道路和方向。如今,第三次工业革命的到来改变了传统教育的存在形态、运作模式和社会支持系统,同时也赋予了"三个面向"教育思想新的时代内涵和内在逻辑。首先,要深化有关教育要"面向现代化"的认识,教育现代化不仅是指硬件设施现代化,更强调教育观念的现代化。其次,有必要从"全球胜任力"的角度进一步深化对教育要"面向世界"的认识,深入思考如何真正利用国际化的力量推进我国教育的发展。第三,要提高对教育要"面向未来"重要性的认识,特别关注未来社会对人才素质结构的需求正在发生重要的变化,即从碎片化的知识转向了思维方式和核心素养。第四,在教育实践工作中,有必要进一步强调"三个面向"教育思想的一体性,而不是简单地将教育要"面向现代化"等同于"教育现代化"的工作,教育要"面向世界"等同于"国际教育交流与合作"的工作。第三次工业革命的到来使得教育现代化有条件也必须面向世界、面向未来,而面向世界、面向未来的过程也恰恰正是中国发展教育现代化的必然选择。 In 1983, Deng Xiaoping put forward the idea of ‘Three Orientations' in education, education to be orientated to modernization, to the world and to the future, a clear direction for the education reform and development in China. Up till now, the Third Industrial Revolution is changing the existing form, the operation mode and the social supporting systems of traditional education, and inspiring a better understanding of the ‘ Three Orientations ’. That is, the understanding of ‘ mod-ernization-orientation’needs to be further explored, not only in the area of hardware facilities, but also in the philosophy and value system. Meanwhile, the perspective of ‘global competence’ is encouraged to reflect the ‘world-orientation', and to think in-depth how to take advantage of the international force to promote the development in China. As for the ‘ future-ori- entation', the cultivation of talent quality is shaking the belief and practice of fragmentized knowledge input and paying more attention to ways of thinking patterns and other core competences. In one word, there is an urgent demand for integration of all the three aspects, rather than simply identifying ‘modernization-orientation ' with ‘modernization of education', or ‘ world-orientation’ with ‘ international education exchange and cooperation'. Fortunately, the Third Industrial Revolution is now making it possible to make the modernization by being open for the world and for the future.
作者 滕珺
出处 《北京师范大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第1期18-25,共8页 Journal of Beijing Normal University(Social Sciences)
基金 国家社会科学基金青年项目"国际组织人才聘用标准及中国对策研究--以联合国组织系统为例"(CFA110111) 教育部人文社会科学重点研究基地重大项目"国际组织及世界部分国家‘全球公民’教育模式的比较研究"(11JJD880012)
关键词 “三个面向” 第三次工业革命 教育改革 the Three Orientations the Third Industrial Revolution educational reform
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