根据大型客车座椅设计规范,在座椅底部安装两个平行布置的滑轨,使座椅可以进行横向移动,以方便乘客进出.为缩短客车座椅位移系统的设计周期,利用CATIA软件对客车座椅滑轨进行快速设计,并将设计好的三维模型导入Ansys Workbench中,在Static Structural中对其进行非线性接触有限元仿真.经过有限元计算后可以得到滑轨结构的变形和等效应力分布,为进一步的优化设计提供重要的参考依据.
According to the design specifications of large-dimensional bus seats, two parallelized slippery tracks are installed under the seat so as for transverse movement of seats and convenient turnover of pas- sengers. To reduce the design cycle of bus seat displacement system, the rapid design on seat slippery track is conducted using CATIATM software. Meanwhile, the 3D model is imported into the ANSYS Work- benchTM. By applying Statistic StructuralTM for nonlinear contact finite element analysis, the structural de- formation and equivalent stress distribution are obtained for slippery tracks. As such, this approach pro- vides a critical reference to in-depth optimal design.
Chinese Journal of Construction Machinery