Traditional Chinese medicine stems from China two thousand years ago. Based on Chinese cultural background, its philosophy is organic and dialectical materialism, focusing on analogical thinking mode and making intellectual enquiries as methods. Western medicine stems from Europe more than four hundred years ago. Based on ancient Greek's cultural background, its philosophy is mechanical materialism, focusing on logical thinking and making regression analysis as methods. Quantum traditional Chinese medicine is the research results of modernization of the traditional Chinese medicine and formed by transforming traditional Chinese medicine theory by quantum theory. Its philosophy is organic and di- alectical materialism, focusing on logical thinking and making regression analysis and integration as methods. Supporting discipline of traditional Chinese medicine is the ancient Chinese philosophy. Western medicine is classical physics, chemistry and other modern scientific disciplines, and Quantum traditional Chinese medicine is quantum theory and other mod- em scientific disciplines. Diagnosis of traditional Chinese medicine focuses on characterization, while Western medicine and Quantum traditional Chinese medicine focus on quantitative treatment methods. Traditional Chinese medicine and Quantum medicine focus on natural medicine and acupuncture, adjusting the body state and preventive treatment of disease while Western medicine focuses on chemical drugs and surgery, direct control and heteropathy, and treatment after disease. It has important practical significance for medical research, clinical diagnosis and development of medicine to recognize differences and seek common ground and meeting point among them.
Chinese Archives of Traditional Chinese Medicine
Quantum traditional Chinese medicine
traditional Chinese medicine
Western medicine
similarities and differences