

One case of epistaxis and alcohol withdrawal syndrome
摘要 患者,男,50岁,因"间断右鼻出血2d"入院。入院后,前鼻镜检查未见出血部位,咽后壁可见活动性血流,且患者精神紧张,不能配合鼻内镜检查,遂局部麻醉下行右侧后鼻孔栓塞加右前鼻孔填塞,填塞后无活动性渗血。既往史:饮酒史35年,早、中、晚餐均饮酒(酒精度60%~70%vol),每天饮酒总量在500ml左右。入院后查血常规、出凝血时间、肝肾功能均未见异常,予抗炎、止血对症治疗。拟72h后开始逐步抽取前鼻孔填塞纱条。第3天晨查房时,患者诉"右侧后鼻孔有流水声,持续时间约10s,发作较频繁",并强调一直能听见该声音。 Summary The patient with long history of alcohol was admitted because of intermittent right nasal bleeding for two days,and treated by nasal packing. After 3 days, the patient exhibited auditory hallucinations and immedi- ately showed rage, mania, sweating and fever. CT examination showed calcification in the right frontal lobe, brain atrophy and sinusitis. Diagnosis: epistaxis and alcohol withdrawal syndrome, deviated septum, sinusitis.
出处 《临床耳鼻咽喉头颈外科杂志》 CAS 北大核心 2014年第2期139-140,共2页 Journal of Clinical Otorhinolaryngology Head And Neck Surgery
关键词 鼻出血 酒精依赖 epistaxis alcohol dependence
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