
红细胞形态特征统计分布及计算机图像分析方法研究 被引量:5

Study on Statistical Method of Distribution for Erythrocyte Morphological Features by Computerized Image Processing
摘要 基于计算机图像处理技术 ,对红细胞形态和图像特征进行分析 ,建立红细胞形态变化特征分布统计模型 ,实现红细胞形态特征的自动统计分类。引用形状因子对红细胞形态特征进行描述和分类 ,建立红细胞分割、识别和测量的相关模型和算法 ,并用VC ++进行编程实现。该方法能快速自动地对红细胞形态特征作出统计分析 ,结果显示溶血性贫血症的红细胞形态分布 (双峰曲线 )与正常红细胞形态分布 (单峰曲线 )有显著差异 ,即统计分布曲线可获得不同形态和类型的红细胞比例的数据。在以正常红细胞形态特征参比的条件下 ,红细胞形态特征统计方法可用于与红细胞形态变化相关疾病 (如溶血性贫血、早期白血病 )的辅助诊断。 This study sought to develop a new statistic method for the semiautomatic analysis and classification of erythrocyte morphology based on the morphological features and shape analysis of erythrocytes by computer image processing.Shape factor as the description of the erythrocyte morphological features was used for the shape classification of erythrocytes. And the models and algorithms of erythrocytes image segmentation, cell body shape recognition and measure can be implemented through the VC++.The present method can efficiently and semi automatically provide the statistical analysis of erythrocyte morpholgy, and can give the distribution of erythrocyte morphological features. The result showed that there was a significant differnce between the distribution curves of the normal erythrocyte morphology (one apex) and hemolytic anemia's (two apices). By this way, it can be obtained the proportion data of different cell bodies' shapes. This method could provide some information for the study and diagnosis of the diseases (e.g.hemolytic anemia, pre leukemia)related to erythrocyte morphology.
出处 《生物医学工程学杂志》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2000年第4期429-432,443,共5页 Journal of Biomedical Engineering
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目! ( 6963 10 2 0 )
关键词 图像分析 形状因子 分割 识别 红细胞形态 Image processing Erythrocyte Shape factor Segmentation Recognition
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