The study compares the IPO underpricing on the Main Board market, SME Board market and GEM Board market. The period of the inspection is from the year 2009 when the IPO re-started to the year 2012, and it is divided into two parts by the time when the new policy of IPO was published. The study shows that the IPO underpric- ing on the Main Board market is different from that on the SME Board market and the GEM Board market, and there is no difference between SME Board market and the GEM Board market during the first period. In the second period, the study shows that there are no differences among these three markets. According to the comparisons of these three mar- kets themselves, the conclusions are that there is no difference on the main board market. However on the SME Board market and the GEM Board market, there are obvious differences in the underpricing circumstance.
Journal of Shandong Finance Institute