根据已经发表的鸡传染性喉气管炎病毒 ( ILTV) SA2 株的 g B基因序列 ,设计了 1对引物 ,通过 PCR扩增了 ILTV王岗株的 g B基因 ,并克隆到 p UC1 1 9质粒的 Eco R 位点中 ,经酶切鉴定证实后 ,进行了序列测定。结果表明 ,g B基因长 2 6 1 9bp,包含完整的阅读框架。序列比较分析表明 ,ILTV王岗株的 g B基因核苷酸序列与英国的 Throne882和美国的 6 32 2个强毒株的 g B基因序列完全一致 ,而与澳大利亚 SA2 疫苗株g B基因核苷酸同一性为 99.8% ,氨基酸的同一性为 98.4 %。与澳大利亚 SA2 疫苗株 g B基因核苷酸和氨基酸序列比较发现 ,ILTV 3个强毒株 (王岗株 ,Throne 882株和 6 32株 ) g B基因的核苷酸序列在第 89位上均缺失 1个碱基 G,而在第 1 0 2位核苷酸处又插入了 1个碱基 A,从而引起了在氨基酸序列中第 2 9~ 32位 5个氨基酸的移码突变。
A DNA fragment(containing entire gB gene) amplified from infectious laryngotracheitis virus(ILTV) strain Wanggang by PCR using primers based on DNA sequence of ILTV strain SA 2,was cloned into EcoRⅠ site of plasmid pUC119.The recombinant was indicated containing the complete open reading frame of gB gene with 2 619 bp by sequencing.Nucleotide sequence comparisons found that gB gene of Wanggang strain is identical to two virulent strains of American 632 and England throne 882,and displays 99.8% nucleotide identity with SA 2,a vaccine strain.All three virulent ILTVs(including Wanggang strain) had one base deletion of G at 89 nt and one base insertion of A at 102 nt within gB gene resulting five amino acid frameshift mutation.It is to be investigated whether this mutation is associated with virulence.
Chinese Journal of Veterinary Science
国家"8 6 3"计划资助!项目 ( 10 1-0 5 -0 3-1)