

The Rituals at the End:the Structure of Rituals and its Related Concept of Roundness in Han Chinese Religion in Taiwan
摘要 汉人的宗教仪式往往都被要求要"有头有尾",才能构成仪式的整体,因此在仪式最后阶段的"末端仪式"特别值得重视。末端仪式,其一代表仪式结束之末端,例如相对于建醮之始的醮头,醮尾是指整个建醮仪式的完成,象征整个仪式的彻底完成。另一层涵意是指一系列仪式程序(a sequence of rituals)的末尾,着重于其为特定仪式末端所举行者,譬如建醮、平安戏、礼斗法会当中最后一定是普施饿鬼,这和汉人信仰祭祀对象里的尊卑层次有关。末端仪式常与台湾汉人民间信仰中的"圆满观"有关,包含信仰者的两个心理层面:一是对圆满的终极追求,显示所有参与仪式者对于仪式圆满的渴望,另一则是基于害怕仪式不够圆满的恐惧。很多的末端仪式名称,都存在"圆":圆醮、圆斗、圆功,有圆满完成的深刻含意。圆满往往代表成功而平安;不圆满则显示不平安和祸端。但到底怎样才意味着圆满,则取决于是否顺利执行了末端仪式,因而使末端仪式的地位更形重要。 It is often the case that any ritual in the Han Chinese religion is required to "have the head and the end" in order to construct the whole of the ritual. The major theme of this paper is to put emphasis on the finishing and final part of the whole ritual. That is so-called "the ritual at the end" in this paper. There are two meanings contained in the ritual at the end. One refers to the complete ending of one specific ritual. For example, The whole set of Chien-chiao (建醮) contains "the head of the Chiao" (醮头) at the beginning year and "the end of the Chiao"(醮尾 )at the finishing year. The end of the Chiao symbolizes the complete ending of the Chien-chiao ritual which may be practiced several years after the head of the Chiao. Another meaning of the ritual at the end refers to the final part of a whole sequence of rituals. For example, in many rituals like Chien-chiao, Peace-making Festival, or Star-deity Worshipping Ceremony, it is often the case that salvation of the wondering ghosts is a required ritual at end. This is related with the folk ideology on the hierarchy of supernatural objects worshipped by people. The ritual at the end is very much related with the folk concept of roundness (or completeness). Two psychological dimensions remained in believers of folk religion can be observed. One dimension refers to the ultimate pursue of the roundness (or completeness) which is demonstrated by the strong desire to finish the whole ritual once is started by all participants of the rituals, especially for those who are responsible for the whole ritual. The other dimension refers to the fear of not-roundness during the process of the ritual. That is why the name of the rituals at the end often contains the character of round ( 圆), such as 圆醮, 圆斗 ,圆功, and etc. Any name of such rituals obtains the meaningful implication for complete finishing-up. The roundness ( 圆满 ) always means the successful ending of the ritual and the peace will be come tr
作者 林美容
出处 《闽台文化研究》 2013年第4期69-80,共12页 Fujian-Taiwan Cultural Research
关键词 仪式结构 末端仪式 台湾民间信仰 汉人宗教 圆满观 the structure of rituals, the ritual at the end, Taiwan Residents folk belief, the Han Chinese religion, the con- cept of roundness
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