X、γ射线的广泛应用使得剂量仪器测量的准确性亟待解决,采用X射线机代替标准γ源对剂量仪器进行标校时需要了解其等效性影响因素。为研究低能X射线与天然放射源等效过程中的修正项,采用蒙特卡罗(Monte Carlo,MCNP)软件对低能X射线与高能X、γ射线等效性的影响因素进行了模拟,得出了距离、空间散射、探测器响应对剂量等效的不同影响,最后对模拟结果进行了分析。该结论可用于低能X射线与高能X、γ射线源之间的等效修正,对于X射线的广泛应用具有重要意义。
Background: The accuracy of dosimeter measurement of X and γ rays needs to be resolved. Purpose: The aim is to study the correction term of the equivalent process of low-energy X-ray and the natural radioactive source. Methods: Instead of the standard sources, X-ray machine was adopted on the dose instrument calibration. The influence factors of the equivalence between low-energy X-ray and high-energy X or y rays were simulated using Monte Carlo (MCNP) software. Results: The influences of distance, space scattering, response of detector on dose equivalence were obtained. The simulation results were also analyzed. Conclusion: The method can be used in dose equivalent correction for low-energy X-ray, high-energy X or 7 rays, which is significant for the widespread use of X rays.
Nuclear Techniques