安全多方计算(Secure Multi-party Computation,SMC)是解决一组互不信任的参与方之间保护隐私的协同计算问题,SMC需要确保输入的独立性、计算正确性,同时各输入值也不泄露给参与方。SMC计算首先由百万富翁问题提出,随着互联网、电子商务、电子政务的普及,可以广泛应用在网络投票、网络拍卖等应用场合。文中分析了SMC计算的关键技术,如协议安全、零知识证明、比特承诺、不经意传输等,并对此展开了应用研究,介绍SMC计算的应用,具有一定的理论和实际意义。
SMC(Secure Multi-party Computation)mainly addresses the problem of cooperation within the distrustful partners, SMC requires the independence assurance of inputs and computation correctness, and meanwhile shouldn' t leak any input to other partners. SMC could be widely used in internet ballot and internet auction. This paper analyzes the key technologies, including secure protocols, bit commitment, oblivious transfer, and zero-knowledge proof. Finally, the paper describes the applications of SMC, and these are significant in theory and practice.
Information Security and Communications Privacy