OLAP(Online Analytical Processing)查询常常涉及到不同的维表和事实表,要得到查询结果通常需要进行多张表的连接操作。连接操作是一种非常耗时的操作,因此,如何提高OLAP查询效率成为数据仓库应用中的关键问题。文中对存储过程、索引技术、物化视图等几种常用的OLAP查询优化方法进行性能分析,针对特定应用通过反复实验比较得出物化视图的优越性。而就物化视图而言,其本身有优越性的同时也存在一些缺陷。因此,针对物化视图更新问题提出了几种更新方案。
OLAP query often involves different dimension tables and fact tables, to get the query result usually requires more table join op- erations. The connection operation is very time-consuming, consequently how to improve the efficiency of OLAP queries becomes the key problem in data warehouse. Analyze several OLAP query optimization techniques like stored procedure,index technique, and materi- alized view, take the superiority of materialized view by doing experiments in application-specific system. And in terms of materialized views, it has the superiority, also has some defects. So, the several methods to solve the update problem of materialized view are pro- posed.
Computer Technology and Development