
芦山地震公路地质灾害调查及评估 被引量:12

Investigation and Evaluation of Geological Disasters Caused by Lushan Earthquake along the Highway
摘要 芦山7.0级地震诱发公路沿线大量地质灾害,通过调查掌握了350 km灾区公路沿线158处崩塌及滑坡灾害点数据,统计分析表明庐山地震区高陡边坡崩塌落石问题突出,陡坡硬岩段是地震崩塌灾害高发区。芦山地震地质灾害主要发生在白垩系-第三系巨厚层状砾岩,二叠系、泥盆系灰岩,以及澄江-晋宁期闪长岩、花岗岩边坡上。实测剖面统计表明边坡失稳区坡度在40°以上的占总数量的95.3%。根据震后崩塌对公路通行的危害程度,划分了严重、大、中、小四个危害等级,考虑崩塌灾害发生可能性、崩塌失稳形式及规模、坡高、坡面形态及坡度、公路位置及构造物形式,进行震后崩塌灾害危害评估。 M7. 0 Lushan Earthquake caused a large number of geological disasters along the highway. Site investigation on earthquake-induced landslide and collapse had been conducted along the highway with a total length about 350km,158 collapse and landslide hazard point data are mastered. Statistical analysis shows that collapsing and rock-falling of high and steep slopes in the seismic region is prominent,and the steep-hard rock areas are the high incidence area of seismic disasters. Disasters caused by the earthquake mainly happened to such slopes,the Cretaceous-Tertiary thick bedded conglomerate,the Permian and the Devonian limestone,and proterozoic diorite and granite slopes. The measured profile statistics shows that the slope of unstable region above 40 degrees accounts for 95. 3% of the total number of disasters. According to the threat level to the highway of post-earthquake collapse,four hazard grades are divided as serious,great,medium and light. The possibility of collapse instability, instability forms and scale,height of slope,slope form and slope,and the location and structure form of highway are taken into consideration in assessing the post-earthquake hazards.
作者 程强 郑同健
出处 《灾害学》 CSCD 北大核心 2014年第1期131-135,共5页 Journal of Catastrophology
基金 交通部西部交通建设科技项目"震后公路边坡崩塌灾害评估与对策研究"(2009318000095) 交通运输部建设科技项目"四川藏区高海拔高烈度条件下公路建设减灾关键技术研究"(2013318800020)
关键词 芦山7 0级地震 公路地质灾害 特征 评估 M7.0 Lushan earthquake highway geological disaster characteristic evaluation
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