
莫匹罗星在动物致伤Ⅲ类伤口愈合的疗效观察 被引量:1

Curative Effect Observation of Mupirocin on Animal Wound Ⅲ of Wound Healing
摘要 目的针对动物致伤中Ⅲ类伤口的高感染率,探讨如何减少感染、促进愈合。方法对我院急诊外科2010年1月1日至2012年12月31日动物致伤的Ⅲ类伤口随机采用康复新液和莫匹罗星稀释液治疗,并分别采用开放引流及缝合治疗,按拆线日期进行伤口愈合评估,即伤口感染情况的对比研究。结果应用莫匹罗星组治愈率明显高于对照组,缝合与不缝合与用药相关,同种外用药物伤口的感染率无差异。结论莫匹罗星在动物致伤的III类伤口愈合中有促进作用,能减少感染,疗效显著,值得推荐。 Objective In view of the animal injury Ill class high wound infection rates, discuss how to reduce the infection and promote healing. Methods Our hospital emergency surgery in January 1, 2010 to December 31, 2012 animals injured IJI class random wound adopt new rehabilitation treatment, fluid and mupirocin diluents and open drainage and sutures were used respectively to treat, take out stitches according to date to evaluate wound healing, namely wound infection situation of comparative study. Results Application of mupirocin group cure rate significantly higher than the control group, stitching and stitching is associated with drug use, the same drug for external use only the wound infection rate, no difference. Conclusion Mupirocin on animal wound class III in wound healing promoting effect, can reduce infection, curative effect is significant, worthy of recommendation.
作者 白峰 王传林
出处 《中国医药指南》 2014年第3期27-28,共2页 Guide of China Medicine
关键词 莫匹罗星 康复新液 动物致伤 川类伤口 甲级愈合 Mupirocin New liquid recovery Animal injuries Ill wound Class a healing
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