分级单屈服面(HISS)模型的屈服面是单一光滑的函数,解决了"帽子"模型存在的数学不完备问题。该文介绍了HISS模型中非关联流动法则各向同性硬化的1?模型及其主要参数对屈服面的影响,使用MATLAB对一个高斯积分点进行加载试验,观测了在加载过程中应力路径及屈服面的变化;基于ABAQUS有限元程序提供的二次开发平台,首次编写了土体HISS模型的三维用户材料子程序。使用ABAQUS外接该文开发的用户子程序模拟了Leighton Buzzard砂土的4种三轴试验算例(静水压试验、常规三轴压缩试验、三轴压缩试验和三轴拉伸试验),并将计算得到的应力-应变关系和体积变化与实验观测结果对比,模型计算的结果与实验结果符合较好,验证了HISS模型用于砂土性质描述的适用性,并将模型用于分析分层路基的平板载荷试验。HISS模型三维子程序的实现为ABAQUS分析三维土体弹塑性问题提供了一种新的本构关系。
The yield surface of a hierarchical single overcomes the singularity of the so-called cap model. surface (HISS) model is a single smooth function, which The HISS 61 model with non-associated flow rule and isotropic hardening was introduced, and the influence of main parameters on the yield surface was also investigated. Tests on one Gauss Point were produced by MATLAB, and the stress path and yield surface were measured during a loading process. Based on the further development platform provided by ABAQUS, the HISS model was programmed into a three dimensional user-material subroutine (UMAT). Four kinds of triaxial tests (HC, CTC, TC and TE) of Leighton Buzzard sand were simulated by ABAQUS with the developed model. The stress-strain relationship and volumetric change obtained by ABAQUS were compared with experiments results. The numerical predictions showed a good agreement with the observed behaviours in experiments, which proved the applicability of a HISS model to sands. The model was used to simulate the plate loading test of a layered road bed. The three dimensional implementation of an HISS model in ABAQUS provides the commercial FEM code with a new optional constitutive law for the elasto-plastic problems in soil mechanics.
Engineering Mechanics