通过对秋季覆膜玉米开展生物环境降解地膜的试验示范,结果表明,生物降解地膜前期增温、保墒效果和普通地膜相比没有明显差异,均能够满足玉米前期生长发育对水、光、热的要求;后期随着玉米生育进程的加快和气温的提高,降解膜的降解速度也在加快,其增温、保墒效果已经不能充分满足玉米生长发育的要求,从而影响到玉米产量,导致玉米产量降低或成熟延迟。降解膜1、降解膜2和降解膜3产量分别达到7 266.0、7 517.5、8 596.5 kg/hm2,较普通地膜减产35.2%、30.7%和14.3%。
An experimental demonstration was made for mulch degradation by using biotic environment with autumn mulching corn. The result showed that in early period the effects of the biodegradable mulch film on increasing temperature and con- serving soil moisture are no difference compared with that of the common plastic film and the need of the corn for water, light and heat for growth and development could be met. In the late period, with the speeding up of the growth process of the corn and the increasing of air temperature the degradation rate of the degradable mulch film speeded up too and its ef- fects on increasing temperature and conserving soil moisture no longer fully met the need of the corn for growth and devel- opment and the yield of the corn was affected leading to decreasing of the corn yield or delay of maturation. The yields of the degradable mulch filml, the degradable mulch film 2 and the degradable mulch film 3 are 7 266.0 kg/hm2, 7 517.5 kg/hm^2 and 8 596.5 kg/hm^2 respectively, decreasing 35.2%,30.7% and 14.3% respectively compared with those of the com- mon plastic film(the control).
Journal of Ningxia Agriculture and Forestry Science and Technology
Autumn mulching
Biodegradable mulch film