Pretibial myxedema is an infrequent manifestation of Graves' disease. It is characterized by nonpitting scaly thicken- ing with one or more skin indurations which are most frequently located over the lower legs, especially the pretibial areas or the dorsum of foot. Pretibial myxedema is resulted from the accumulation in the dermis of glycosaminoglycans secreted by fibroblasts under the stim- ulation of cytokines. The pathogenesis may be related with TSH-receptor antibodies and/or antigen specific T cells. They initiate the in- flammatory response and stimulate the production of glycosaminoglycans. Treatment includes the minimization of risk factors such as to- bacco, weight and thyroid function. Long-acting glucocorticid injection subcutaneously or topical application of a glucocortieid ointment is effective and well tolerated.
Practical Journal of Clinical Medicine