

Research and Design of Intelligent Terminal Model of BACnet/IP
摘要 BACnet/IP是BACnet协议与IPV4互联网互连的协议。本文提出了一种将BACnet/IP与无线通信相结合的终端模型,同时将BACnet Protocol Stack开源工程移植应用于此种模型之上。硬件平台是ARM9处理器和CC1101无线通信模块,经测试此控制器符合BACnet/IP的通信协议规程。重点完成了ARM9嵌入式平台的软硬件搭建、BACnet Protocol Stack在此平台的移植与改进,以及无线模块与BACnet协议栈的互操作和终端提供的web服务。 BACnet/IP is the protocol linking BACnet and IPV4 Internet. The paper puts forward a terminal model that combined BAC-net/IP and wireless communication, and applys the open source projects "BACnet Protocol Stack" on this model. With the ARM9 pro-cessor and CCl101 wireless communication module hardware platform, this terminal controller complies with BACnet/IP communication protocol well. The paper focuses on building the ARM9 embedded hardware and software platform, BACnet Protocol Stack migration and improvement, as well as wireless module with BACnet protocol stack, to provide interoperable Web services and terminals.
作者 郑翔 张珣
出处 《单片机与嵌入式系统应用》 2014年第1期4-6,9,共4页 Microcontrollers & Embedded Systems
关键词 BACNET IP ARM9 CC1101 BACNET PROTOCOL STACK 楼宇控制器 BACnet/IP ARM9 CCll01 BACnet Protocol Stack building controller
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