1Clear Channel Radio Is Re- branded As Clear Channel Media and Entertainment,http://www.clearchan- nel.com/MediaAndEntertainment/ PressRelease.aspx?PressReleaseID =3067. 被引量:1
2The Future Of Radio As So- cial Audio Network ,http://www.ra- dioiloveit.com/radio -future -radio - trends/the -future -of-radio -as -the - worlds-social-audio-network/. 被引量:1
3Radio Is Social, Says Clear Channel CEO Bob Pittman,http:// allthingsd.com/20120131/clear -chan- nel-ceo -bob -pittman -radio -is -so- cial/,January 31, 2012. 被引量:1
4Future of Radio... Transforma- tion to A Digital Paradigm ,http:// futureofradioonline.com/wp -content/ uploads/2011/06/Future -of -Radio - Conference-2011 .pdf. 被引量:1