为了探索干制辣椒施肥效应,以干制辣椒品种博辣红牛为试验材料,进行了田间"3414"设计试验。结果表明:拟合的三元二次肥料效应回归方程为:Y=832.84+31.42 N+1.61 P-5.05 K-0.44 N2-0.02 P2-0.12K2-0.15 NP+0.11 NK+0.29 PK,尿素(N)、过磷酸钙(P)和氯化钾(K)的最大施肥量分别为30.12 kg/667 m2、47.86 kg/667 m2和23.78 kg/667 m2,鲜辣椒最高产量可达1 411.02 kg/667 m2。
The "3414" field experiment was conducted to study the effect of formulated fertilizer application on a drying-purpose hot pepper variety Bola Hongniu and establish the regression model of N, P and K fertilizer effects. The results showed that the quadratic regression equation of the fertilizer effect was: Y=832.84+31.42 N+l.61 P-5.05 K-0.44 N2-0.02 PZ-0.12 KZ-0.15 NP+0.11 NK+0.29 PK, and the most economic N, P and K fertilization were 30.12, 47.86 and 23.78 kg per 667 m2 respectively, the highest fresh fruit yield was up to 1 411.02 kg per 667 m2.
Journal of China Capsicum