
日本福岛核事故后公众心理恐慌原因及控制措施 被引量:1

Reason analysis of civil psychological panic after Fukushima nuclear accident and proposed solution
摘要 目的分析核事故后公众心理恐慌的原因并探讨其控制措施。方法开通核辐射专线咨询电话,设立放射病专家门诊。以日本福岛核事故后主动打电话咨询的人员与归国后主动要求进行体表放射性污染检测的人员为调查对象,对其中的核事故心理恐慌人员进行心理疏导,同时启动地下应急洗消室,对自愿前来做体表放射性污染检测的日本归国人员进行体表放射性核素污染检测分析。结果共接到咨询电话118个,问题657条;对56人进行了体表放射性核素污染检测。受检人员不存在体表放射性核素污染,但存在不同程度的心理恐慌。结论核事故后公众心理恐慌的原因可归结为对核事故的恐惧心理、对核事故的有限认识、未及时掌握社会信息及受社会和市场秩序的影响等。应加强心理疏导和宣传教育,编制放射性污染处理技术方案,重视舆论导向,做好信息的发布与传播,使公众对核和辐射事故的特点、潜在危害及有效防护措施有科学的了解,进而降低对核和辐射事故的恐惧。 Objective The reason of civil psychological panic after Fukushima nuclear accident was discussed and the proposal to reduce such panic was present. Methods Hotline was opened for these persons seeking consultation on nuclear radiation and the specialist clinics for radiation disease were set up within hospital. The psychological counseling was given to help seekers. In response to the special requirement of some persons back from Japan, the measurement of surface radioactive contamination was made. Results The service handled 118 calls and 657 questions and the measurement of body surface radioactive contamination was made to 56 people and showed that no one was affected and the problem was due to mental stress. Conclusion The reasons for the panic could be fear of radiation, lack of the knowledge on nuclear, not in time getting public information, and the impact from disorder of society and market economic. The major measures against such problems could include psychological counseling,drawing up the technical proposal on treatment of radioactive pollution, spreading the knowledge of nuclear on time.
出处 《职业卫生与应急救援》 2013年第6期291-293,297,共4页 Occupational Health and Emergency Rescue
基金 上海市公共卫生三年行动计划(编号:GWⅢ-02.2)
关键词 核事故 核辐射 心理恐慌 控制措施 Nuclear accident Radiation Psychological panic Control measures
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