
论王鹏运、况周颐词学思想和创作的差异 被引量:1

Difference of Idea of Ci and Writing of WANG Peng-yun and KUANG Zhou-yi
摘要 从对"重拙大"的推崇、创作实践、对梦窗词的推许等看,王鹏运、况周颐的词学思想和创作有很大差异。王鹏运的"重拙大"论是就词格而言,况周颐的"重拙大"论则是在词境的层面展开。王鹏运的词能较好体现其"重拙大"的主张,而况周颐词对"重拙大"的体认是建立在"性灵语,以沉着之笔达出"的基础上。王鹏运欣赏梦窗词"无一字无来历"之妙,其词学梦窗之密又糅合自己之清疏,别具特色;况周颐则更注重梦窗词流露的真情,其词大量运用"芬菲铿丽"之字眼,倾心学习潜气内转的笔法,力求上接梦窗。这些差异与他们的身份、性情、兴趣等有关。 There are great differences in ideas of Ci and their writing of WANG Peng-yun and KUANG Zhou-yi concerning the respect for "heaviness, clumsiness and greatness", writing practice and praise of Mengchuang Ci. Theory of "heaviness, clumsiness and greatness" of WANG Peng-yun is concerned with meter of Ci, while that of KUANG Zhou-yi is about the context of Ci. WANG's Ci can best embody his theory while the embodiment of KUANG lies in the basis of "inspiring word conveyed with composed emotion". WANG appreciates Mengchuang Ci in the subtleness of "each word having its origin" and his Ci imitates the intensity of Mengehuang Ci and combines his own unique purity. KUANG emphasizes the overflowing of true feelings of Mengchuang Ci and adopts "luxuriant and beautiful" words as well as hidden emotion to be close to Mengchuang Ci. These differences are related to their social status, disposition and interest.
作者 李惠玲
出处 《求是学刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第1期110-116,共7页 Seeking Truth
基金 广西高等学校一般项目"清词中兴背景下的岭西词人研究" 项目编号:201203YB063
关键词 清代词学 王鹏运 况周颐 词学思想 Ci of Qing dynasty WANG Peng-yun KUANG Zhou-yi idea of Ci
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  • 7屈兴国.《蕙风词话辑注》[M].江西人民出版社,2000年版.第389页. 被引量:2
  • 8陈廷焯《白雨斋词话足本》卷三,屈兴国辑注,齐鲁书社1983年版 被引量:1
  • 9陈廷焯《白雨斋词话足本》卷五,屈兴国辑注,齐鲁书社1983年版 被引量:1
  • 10况周颐《慧风词话》,屈兴国辑注,江西人民出版社2000年版 被引量:1




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