We analyze the convection activities and the wind field at the upper troposphere over the South China Sea (SCS) from 2006 to 2010 using the satellite data including visible images, temperature of brightness blackbody (TBB), atmospheric motional vector (AMV) and outgoing long wave radiation (OLR). The region (110 - 120 °E, 5 - 20 °N) is chosen as the satellite monitoring area for the SCS summer monsoon. It shows that, before the SCS summer monsoon onset, the convection system becomes active firstly over the south-east of the Bay of Bengal and the Indochina Peninsula in most years and then spreads westward and eastward. The SCS summer monsoon onsets firstly in the south of the SCS in most years and in the north of it in some years. Through comparisons it is found that the regional (110 - 120 °E, 5 - 20 °N) average of TBB less than 273 K is consistent with the OLR less than 230 W/mz, but the date when this regional average TBB less than 273 K happens is later than that for the summer monsoon onset and the TBB is larger than 273 K for many times during the summer monsoon season. The average (110 -120 °E) TBB can describe the SCS summer monsoon onset process better. The analysis also shows that when the regional average of AMVs at the upper troposphere, which is derived from the IR3 channel, changes from westerlies to easterlies, the SCS summer monsoon onset is well indicted. This provides a new method for the SCS summer monsoon monitoring using the FY-2 satellite data.
Journal of Tropical Meteorology
South China Sea summer monsoon
satellite image character
Black Body Temperature (TBB)
Atmospheric Motion Vectors (AMV)