九华山区及周边的地形是以天台至大花台为主脉,四周有低山丘陵合围。复杂地形下各地气候差异明显。应用1980—2010年近30 a观测资料及山区不同高度的自动站数据,运用大气边界层理论及多项式拟合、相关分析等数理统计方法,研究山区与丘陵云水资源的差异。结果表明:地形的动力作用影响了山区局地水汽的输送条件;山区下垫面对降水的增雨作用较为明显,强度越大的降水,其增强作用就越明显,地形对降水的平均贡献率为37.6%。山区与周边降水分布很不均匀,九华山年平均降水量比周边区域多34.1%,山区水资源远大于周边丘陵地区,前者是后者的3.4倍,且一年四季有盈余,但降水量季节分布不均,秋季是最易出现干旱缺水的季节。缓解山区的旱情要以开源蓄水为主,辅以必要的人工增雨。
The main mountain range of Jiuhua mountain and the surrounding terrain cover an area from Tiantai to Dahuatai, which is surrounded by low hills. In such a complex terrain, the climate differ- ence is obvious. Applying observational data (1980 -2010) , including automatic weather station at dif- ferent altitudes and using theory of atmospheric boundary layer and mathematical statistics, cloud water differences between the mountains and hills have been investigated. The results show that the dynamic factor of the terrain has changed the vapor transport conditions of the mountain; the mountains have a more obvious effect on rainfall, and the greater the precipitation intensity is, the more obvious role it plays; the average contribution rate of the terrain precipitation is 37.6%. Mountains and the surrounding's precipitation distribution is very uneven, and Jiuhuashan's average annual rainfall is 34. 1% more than the surrounding area's. Water resource in mountain is much larger than in the surrounding hilly areas, the former is 3.4 times more than that of the latter, and there is a surplus all the year, but the dis- tribution is uneven. Autumn is the driest season. It is necessary to find out open source water storage and to be added by artificial rainfall to alleviate the drought of the mountains.
Journal of the Meteorological Sciences
Water resources
Terrain effect
Comparative analysis