目的了解香港成年华人的睡眠不足综合征的流行病学资料,评价国际睡眠障碍分类手册(ICSD)对睡眠不足综合征定义的可靠性。方法调查了13所小学学生家长的睡眠和社会经济学状况。在健康人群中,以周末延长睡眠长度比率(RTIBdiff)>20%和自我汇报睡眠不足来定义睡眠不足综合征。他们被分为4组:真正睡眠不足者(GIS)、客观睡眠不足者(OIS)、主观睡眠不足者(SIS)、真正睡眠充足者(GSS)。结果 9788名家长构成最终研究对象,其中的5362名健康睡眠者被划分为1109名GIS(20.7%),769名OIS(14.3%),1058名SIS(19.7%)和2426名GSS(45.3%)。与GSS和OIS相比,GIS和SIS期望更长的睡眠长度,也更容易感到日间困倦。与GSS相比,GIS更倾向于饮用咖啡/茶[OR:1.213(1.052,1.399)],倒班工作[OR:1.369(1.197,1.566)],拥有私宅[OR:1.446(1.170,1.788)],较高教育程度[OR:1.233(1.015,1.498)],较少失业[OR:0.439(0.341,0.566)]。结论香港成年华人的睡眠不足综合征发生率明显高于其他地区,且呈进行性加重趋势。工作、社会压力和倒班工作可能是现代社会睡眠不足的主要原因。
Objective To investigate the insufficient sleep syndrome among the Middle - age Hong Kong Chinese, and eval- uate the definition of insufficient sleep syndrome in international classification of sleep disorder - diagnostic and coding manual (ICSD). Methods Parents of students in 13 primary schools were recruited as our target sample. We gathered their characteris- tics of sleep socioeconomic. According to ICSD, we defined insufficient sleep syndrome by ratio of weekday night versus weekend night differences in time in bed (RTIBd/ff) 〉 20% and self - rating insufficient sleep in healthy sleepers. They were divided healthy sleepers into four groups: subject with both criteria (Genuine Insufficient Sleeper, GIS), subject with RTIBd/ff 〉 20% (Objective Insufficient Sleeper, OIS), subject with self- rating insufficient sleep (Subjective Insufficient Sleeper, SIS), and subject without both criteria (Genuine Sufficient Sleeper, GSS). Results A total of 9788 subjects comprised noninstitutionalized Chinese middle - aged residents in Hong Kong, and 5362 (54.8%) subjects were healthy sleeper. They were divided into 1109 (20.7%) GIS, 769 (14.3%) OIS, 1058 (19.7%) SIS, and 2426 (45.3%) GSS. Compared to GSS and IS, GIS and SIS ex- pected longer sleep than their actual sleep, were more prone to complain daytime sleepiness Compared to GSS, GIS was more prone to consuming coffee/tea [ OR: 1. 213 ( 1. 052,1. 399) ], being shift worker [ OR: 1. 369 ( 1. 197,1. 566) ], having private house [ OR: 1. 446 ( 1. 170,1. 788 ) ], higher education level [ OR: 1. 233 ( 1. 015,1. 498 ) ], being employed [ OR: 0. 439 (0. 341,0. 566) ]. Conclusion It was interesting that the prevalence of insufficient sleeper was much higher than other regions, which might due to the sleep habit in Asia. In addition, the prevalence was also higher that a previous Hong Kong research.It might be related to the unique socioeconomic trend in Hong Kong, and might suggest that insufficien
Sichuan Mental Health
Insufficient Sleep Syndrome Middle -age Hong Kong Chinese Epidemiology