Aimed at the problems of high concentration of organics, high salinity and degradation being difficult in atrazine pesticide wastewater, the technologies of ultrasound combining with Fenton and Fen- ton - like were applied in pretreatment of atrazine pesticide wastewater. The TOC removal in waters was investigated by ultrasound & Fenton and ultrasound & Fenton -like under neutral and acidity condition, comparing with ultrasound , Fenton and Fenton -like alone. As a result, hybrid technologies had a bet- ter effect on TOC removal than ultrasound , Fenton or Fenton - like alone. In addition, a better TOC re- moval efficiency was found in ultrasound & Fenton systems than ultrasound & Fenton - like. Further- more, ultrasound & Fenton technologies under acidic condition are suggested to be the optimal pretreat- ment methods for real atrazine pesticide wastewater.
Journal of Water Resources and Water Engineering