目的了解正常青年人的听性稳态反应阈值及与纯音测听检查的相关性。方法 30例听力正常受试者(60耳),年龄24~30岁;听性稳态反应调制频率为90 Hz,分别记录500 Hz、1 000 Hz、2 000Hz和4 000 Hz 4个频率听性稳态反应原始阈值、测试中是清醒或是睡眠状态、检测完成总时间等。结果听性稳态反应原始阈值高于纯音听阈值。听性稳态反应原始阈值,无论睡眠组22例(44耳)或是清醒组7例(14耳),耳别间和性别间在各个频率上均无显著性差异。调制频率为90 Hz,睡眠组听性稳态反应阈值与纯音测听阈值相关性更好,且1 000 Hz、2 000 Hz,呈高、中度相关。睡眠组,以50 dBSPL刺激声作为听性稳态反应分析强度,各频率中,500 Hz引出率最低(率=84.1%),有显著性差异(χ2=10.37;P=0.016)。结论调制频率为90 Hz的听性稳态反应对睡眠状态正常青年人听阈检查更准确,尤以1 000 Hz、2 000 Hz两频率更有参考价值。
Objective To explore the auditory steady-state responses(ASSR) threshold in normal-hearing adults and the relationship between ASSR threshold and pure tone auditory(PTA) threshold.Methods Thirty normal-hearing adults(60 ears) were selected to ASSR test.Simultaneous carrier tones (0.5,1,2 and 4 kHz) were presented binaurally,modulation frequency was 90 Hz.The response thresholds were determined automatically.The test was performed in two different status (in awake and sleeping).Results ASSR thresholds were above PTA thresholds.No significant difference was found in the ASSR thresholds among different frequences.In sleeping adults,ASSR thresholds was associated with PTA thresholds,especially in 1 000 Hz and 2 000 Hz.Taking 50 dBSPL as analysis level,significant differences was found in different frequencies.Conclusion The ASSR thresholds are associated with PTA thresholds in sleeping adults,especially in 1 000 Hz and 2 000 Hz.
Journal of Harbin Medical University