
A Novel Approach to Utilize DSM & Smart Grid Initiatives for Power System Operations

A Novel Approach to Utilize DSM & Smart Grid Initiatives for Power System Operations
摘要 This paper presents in detail the idea to utilize the advent of smart grid technologies and DSM (demand side management), to ease the operational requirements of power system operations. Utilization of DSM and smart grids, to control load rather than generations, is explored. Usually, system security is attained through preventive measures, the system is maintained and prepared in advance to survive credible outages through "reserve management", for which requirements are specified as security standards in grid codes. However, with the utilization of DSM techniques on transmission level such as "direct control load", "responsive load", and interruptible load control, system operations can be shifted towards "corrective" mode keeping intact the system security.
出处 《Journal of Energy and Power Engineering》 2013年第11期2202-2209,共8页 能源与动力工程(美国大卫英文)
关键词 DSM smart grid grid control controllable loads responsive load reserve management. 电力系统运行 帝斯曼 DSM技术 电网技术 直接控制 负荷控制 需求侧管理 储备管理
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