本文以烤烟品种NC102为试验材料,通过"3414"肥效试验研究配方施肥对烟草叶绿素含量的影响。结果表明:不同配方施肥处理对烟草叶绿素含量的影响极显著。施氮量对叶绿素含量影响较大,当纯磷、纯钾施肥量为推荐施肥水平时,叶绿素含量随施氮量增加而上升,当纯氮施肥水平为3(即施氮量为135 kg/hm2)时,叶绿素含量达最大值;当纯氮、纯磷施肥量为推荐施肥水平时,施钾量增加会导致叶片叶绿素含量上升,但当纯钾施用量继续增加,达3水平(即施钾量为337.5 kg/hm2)时,叶绿素含量明显下降。表明施钾量过大会导致叶绿素含量明显下降;施磷量对烟草叶绿素含量影响较小。
In this paper, the effect of "3414" fertilizer efficiency experiment on Chlorophyll content of flue-cured tobacco NC102 was studied. The test results showed that the different fertilizer formulas treatments had remarkable influence on the Chlorophyll content of tobacco. The amount of nitrogen was closely related with Chlorophyll content of tobacco. When the fertilizing amount of phosphorus and potassium were the recommended levels, the Chlorophyll content of tobacco increased with the nitrogen of topdressing increased.The Chlorophyll Content of tobacco was the highest when the fertilizing amount of nitrogen was at level 3(135 Kg/hmZ); When the fertilizing amount of phosphorus and nitrogen were the recommended levels, increasing potassium would lead to an increase in Chlorophyll content of tobacco.But continuing to increase potassium such as at level 3(337.5 1%/hm2), the Chlorophyll content of tobacco would decline sharply; The study showed that the effect of the fertilizing amount of phosphorus on Chlorophyll content of tobacco was few, while a large amount of ootassium would decline it sharDlv.
Journal of Xichang University(Natural Science Edition)
Flue-cured tobacco
"3414" fertilizer effectiveness experiment
Chlorophyll content